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Intra natal report
This Report called INDRA creates a psychological mirror of your life, by interpreting the astronomical symbols present at your moment of birth using a large amount of prewritten text. INDRA describes your basic motivations, perceptions, inclinations, and character from a number of different perspectives giving a highly accurate composite view of your life. Your contradictory urges and drives as well as your chief focuses are described in INDRA. You will understand yourself better by studying this material. Your INDRA report provides guidelines for personal improvement and self discovery. Your life can improve quickly and dramatically if you apply the suggestions given here. By raising your aims and expectations you can obtain a deeper self-understanding and thereby resolve your inner conflicts and contradictions. INDRA is not meant as a substitute for astrological consultations, therapy, or the study of astrology; it is an interactive tool to enhance these things. Truly, INDRA provides a foundation for self-understanding. Pages 30 - 36 price 26 € (plus post shipping)
Merlin Natal Report
In this report you will find that the interpretation of your chart is written in simple language, uncluttered by astrological jargon. If a statement appears to contradict another statement, then you exhibit these opposite qualities at different times in your life. For example, a statement that you are highly sociable and gregarious and a statement that you prefer solitude seemingly contradict each other; this means that you vacillate, and need both sociability and solitude at different times. Pages 20 - 26 price 24 € (plus post shipping)
Natal Alpha Imprints Report
The Natal Chart interpretations are found by computing the astrological data for the date, time, and place of your birth. Your chart is unique in its combination of planetary positions, aspects, and influences. There are literally thousands of variables in the natal chart alone, and each individual will usually have less than a hundred of these variables in his or her chart. We will print all of those which apply to your particular birth time and place, and they are what make you the unique individual that you are. We try to present this information in such a way that you can recognize and interpret the "blueprint" of your own "Personality Profile". Pages 15 - 20 price 18 € (plus post shipping)
Hidden Messages Report
We are all looking for unconditional love. Most of us never got it. When we fall in love we think, "Now, finally, here is someone who will give me the (unconditional) love I've always wanted." How can we attract what we are not programmed to receive? We can't until we take a conscious look at what we are programmed to attract. Only then can we change our lives. Pages 15 - 20 price 18 € (plus post shipping)
Child Report
This Astrological Child Report has been designed as a guide for Lourdes's parents, with a special commitment: to help with Lourdes's growth and cultural upbringing, to emphasize and strengthen her assets, and to alert the parents to mistakes or possible problems that Lourdes could face in her life. Pages 16 - 20 price 22 € (plus post shipping)
Lovers Report
This Lovers Report is divided into 4 chapters. Compares your temperaments and personalities. The issues described in Chapter 1 become particularly powerful if you are married or live together. Idiosyncrasies or quirks in another person's personality do not bother us as much if our relationship is a casual one. For example, if one person is neat and tidy and the other is sloppy, this is more likely to become a concern if you are married than if you are only seeing each other occasionally. Pages 18 - 26 price 24 € (plus post shipping)
Heaven Sent Romantic Report
There are friendships and there are FRIENDSHIPS, partnerships (whether business or personal) and PARTNERSHIPS. HEAVEN SENT can help you understand ALL your interpersonal relationships, whether business or pleasure, gay or straight, romantic or platonic, by describing the details of your interactions. To best understand your relationship with anyone, it is suggested that you first get their (and your own) natal chart interpreted. This tells you what makes them (and you) tick. Then, the comparison tells you what you each trigger in the other. Pages 16 - 22 price 22 € (plus post shipping)
Friends Report
This Friends Report is divided into 4 chapters. Describes your temperaments and personalities. The issues described in Chapter 1 become particularly powerful if you have a close or long-lasting relationship. Idiosyncrasies or quirks in another person's personality do not bother us as much if our relationship is a casual one. For example, if one person is neat and tidy and the other is sloppy, this is more likely to become a concern if you depend on each other in a business partnership than if you are casual acquaintances. Pages 18 - 26 price 24 € (plus post shipping)
Vocational – Career Report
This report is designed to serve as a guide in finding your true vocation. At the same time an analysis of your personal characteristics, strengths or inhibitions, unused potential, karma, creativity, ability to earn money, work in relation to your employment etc., is given. At the end you will find a synthesis of the foregoing that will help you to summarize and clarify your mission in this life. Throughout this report numerous indications of possible vocations or professions related to your astrological influences are outlined. It is suggested that you reflect on this information within yourself so that in the end your own intuition can lead you to the best selection. Pages 14 - 22 price 22 € (plus post shipping)
Flower Essence Report
This report is designed for those who are interested in tools which can support their own efforts toward growth and well-being on all levels. Using astrology, flower essences, gemstones and gem elixirs, color, music, aroma therapy, visualization, and other methods, one can transform difficult patterns in one's life and manifest more of one's positive potentials. Pages 18 - 22 price 22 € (plus post shipping)
Med-Scan Report
This is a medical interpretation of an astrology chart. If you feel you need a homeopathic remedy, please contact your homeopath first and get permission to use it. If you do not have a homeopath, call NCII for the one nearest you. Suggestions for homeopathic remedies may be given. Homeopathic remedies and and information regarding homeopathy may be obtained from these organizations: National Center for Homeopathy: Call 1-703-548-7790 for information on homeopathic practitioners in USA and Canada, plus brochures on homeopathic information, study groups, etc. Standard Homeopathic Pharmacy: Call 1-800-624-9659 (USA only) or fax 1-310-516-8579. Pages 14 - 18 price 20 € (plus post shipping)
Cayce Past Life Report
This report is a synthesis of past life and planetary interlife interpretations originally given clairvoyantly by Edgar Cayce, for individuals with your same planetary patterns at birth. So in applying this report to your personal life, you should RESPECT INNER GUIDANCE, through dreams, meditation and past life regression for example, as primary resources for this kind of information; and most important, RESPECT YOUR FREE WILL! You alone must choose and know what is really best for you. Pages 28 - 38 price 26 € (plus post shipping)
Karmic Past Life Report
The effects of past life experiences can carry over into your current life, accounting for interests, habits, even phobias which would defy explanation by conventional methods. This report examines possible past life connections using astrological methods. It is not intended to be taken as a complete interpretation of your birth chart; it looks at your chart from only one perspective. It is written in simple language, avoiding the use of astrological terms as much as possible. For the interest of students of astrology, relevant astrological references are made at the top of each section. Pages 16 - 20 price 20 € (plus post shipping)
Karmic Insight Report
From an esoteric point of view your birth chart is a portrait of your soul's intention for this lifetime, the lessons to be learned, qualities to develop, problems to be resolved, service to be rendered. From that perspective, the choices one makes in one's daily life have reverberations that may last beyond even this lifetime.This report is written to help you clarify your lessons and goals, illuminate your struggles, and encourage you to move in the direction of your true purposes. Pages 16 - 22 price 20 € (plus post shipping)
Vedic Report
This report of the nakshatras is a modern renditions of the ancient Vedic system of interpreting. Much of Vedic astrology is dogmatic and judgemental, and modern research in astrology has shown that it is difficult to determine from an astrology chart whether someone is good or bad, successful or unsuccessful, beautiful or ugly, prosperous or poor. Pages 12 - 16 price 16 € (plus post shipping)
Relocation Report
Here are some suggestions on how to get the most out of this report: Whenever you plan a vacation, are going to visit friends, on a business trip, or planning on a place to relocate to, you can refer to the analysis given in this report. Remember also to use all of the information available to you when analyzing a given place. For example, if you hate cold weather, you probably will not enjoy moving to a city near the Arctic Circle! However, you will find that if the astrological influences are positive, there will be some nice experiences to help you through the long winters. In addition to weather, carefully consider the culture, the kind of people, and other issues that may be important to you (crime rate, quality of schools, natural environment, etc). Most places offer a rich variety of possibilities. Pages 16 - 22 price 20 € (plus post shipping)
Solar Return Report
The Solar Return is a chart calculated for the time that the Sun arrives at the exact position of the Sun in your natal chart. That happens once every year around your birthday, but at a different time each year. This chart is calculated for the time of the Sun's return this year and marks the principal events for the year from birthday to birthday. This report also gives the location of your Solar Return. From this, it can be determined that some places are more favorable than others. With the aid of more than one report you could analyze the changes that are produced in the Solar Return Reports, choosing from different locations where you would want to spend the day. This report comes together with Lunar, Progress, Transits Reports. Total pages 120 - 140 price 60 € (plus post shipping)
Lunar Report
The Lunar Return is a monthly chart calculated for the time when the Moon returns to the exact position it was in your natal chart. This happens every twenty-eight days; there are thirteen Lunar Returns in a year. These charts mark the principal events of the month for which the return was produced. This report outlines possible events for that month and also gives some suggestions on how to deal with the positive as well as negative planetary aspects. This report comes together with Solar Return, Progress, Transits Reports. Total pages 120 - 140 price 60 € (plus post shipping)
Transits Report
This is an Astro-Forecast Report with transit planets over the Natal. The influence starts on the beginning date, gradually increases in strength until the peak date is reached, and then it gradually fades out until the ending date is reached. An influence may last for as little as a few days to as long as half a year or so. See the samples below. This report comes together with Solar Return, Lunar, Progress Reports. Total pages 120 - 140 price 60 € (plus post shipping)
Progress Report
It is a good idea to look ahead in your Astro-Forecast Report for long-lasting influences, as you otherwise may not realize that it is in effect until you are already several months into the time period of the influence. This report comes together with Solar Return, Lunar, Transits Reports. Total pages 120 - 140 price 60 € (plus post shipping)